Cargador Company

Who We Are

We’re not just a supply company, we’re your installation experts, too! Say goodbye to the complexities of an EV charger setup and experience a hassle-free installation.

Ready To Charge? Let’s Get Started

Want to make a switch to a more sustainable and cost-efficient EVSE? Or need to set up one for your home or business? Get your free estimate today!

Jaysen Lopez

Chief Executive Officer

With a blend of visionary leadership and two decades in the energy sector, Jaysen transitions from Operation Enduring Freedom veteran to the forefront of the EV charging revolution. His journey embodies innovation, a drive for sustainable solutions, and a commitment to legacy—merging fun, faith, and community into the fabric of Cargador Company’s mission. Jaysen’s approach champions environmental stewardship and builds a vibrant, inclusive future for all.

Caleb Sulzen

Chief Operating Officer

Caleb marries extensive regulatory insight with operational prowess, steering Cargador Company with strategic foresight and an intrinsic joy for growth. His background in building development and over 40 building licenses inform our seamless product integration and scalability that ensures our journey is marked by efficiency and community partnership. Caleb’s work is a testament to our dedication with God in which he weaves into our innovations for elevating a more sustainable, connected world.

Angela Sulzen

Marketing Director

Angela brings two decades of a vibrant mix of sales, marketing, and customer service excellence. With her deep understanding of diverse client needs and a flair for memorable engagements, Angela’s strategies are the heartbeat of Cargador Company. Her unique blend of retail and digital expertise enriches our brand narrative by connecting our values of fun, faith, and community. Her engagement with every interaction inspires a broader embrace of sustainable transportation.

Benny Gomez Jr.

Regional Account Manager

Benny exemplifies leadership with over 14 years in telecommunications and retail, marked by a passion for innovation and customer excellence. His expertise in relationship building and strategic insight propels our mission across the Eastern Seaboard by making EV charging accessible and inclusive. With his commitment to collective progress, Benny mirrors our core values of diversity, equity, and inclusion by ensuring that our offerings reach every community.